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Fire Detection Systems

Approved Electronic Fire Detection Products and Systems

Users have to be certain that fire detection products or system that they specify, buy, install or use are reliable, truly fit for the purpose and are compliant with the applicable standards and relevant EU directives and regulations.

Systems that carry the CERTALARM Quality Mark assure that.


CERTALARM works through independent, fully accredited, Test Laboratories and Certification Bodies to ensure that:

  • Certified products and systems truly meet the exact requirements that are contained in the relevant standards;
  • Manufacturers’ production control and quality management systems ensure consistent production standards.

Additionally, periodic surveillance ensures that both products and manufacturers continue to meet these requirements for the quality of the product.
Through its members, CERTALARM is able to work with all sections of the industry, users, response authorities and standardisation bodies. CERTALARM develops and improves product standards and methods of assessment to ensure that certified products meet the needs of specifies and users - consistently and reliably.

The testing and certification is based on European Standards. If no EN's are available, an agreed technical specification or a National standard can be used. As the Certalarm certification body is also a notified body for CPD, CE mark certification for the EU Construction Products Directive (CPD) may be processed alongside Certalarm certification.

Certification is available for:

  • Control and indicating equipment
  • Smoke, heat and multi-sense detectors including CO gas detectors
  • Manual call points, sounders, sirens and bells
  • Extinguishing panels and CMSI panels
  • Compatability assessment for system components
  • Power supplies
  • Aspirating and linear heat detection systems
  • Voice and emergency light evacuation systems

Please contact us to discuss your needs.