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Installers and Maintainers - FUTURE

The design, installation, commissioning and maintenance of a system is just as important as using approved products.


In addition, it is equally important that specifiers and users select only competent firms with a proven track record. Select companies that are certified to CEN Technical Standards or country codes of practice ensure that design, installation, service and maintenance are carried out to defined rules.

Some examples are:

  • UK Code BS 5839-1 - Fire detection and alarm systems for buildings, Code of Practice for the design and installation of fire detection and alarm systems for dwellings;
  • UK Code BAFE SP203 – Fire Detection and alarm systems code of practice for the design, install, commission and maintenance and servicing.

An example from France is a specific service certification:

  • French Code NF X 50.785 - Installation and maintenance of electronic systems

For each installation, clients should request the issue of a Certificate of Conformity as part of the contract which:

  • Certifies that the alarm system was designed, installed and commissioned in accordance with the installation rules applied, and
  • Ensures that the system is approved by CERTALARM as a Certificated Alarm System.

Furthermore, certification ensures quality in all domains of electronic security, such as alarm installation, access control and CCTV.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions.